TU 20.14.12-043-59051599-2017

Synthetic high-temperature organic heat carrier Termolan® V is a highly efficient heat carrier based on polyalkylbezols with an operating temperature range from minus 10 to 330 °C.

Termolan® V heat carrier is supplied in metal barrels with a capacity of 185 kg net. It is allowed to be packed in other transport containers that ensure the safety of the product.

The product packed in barrels is transported by railway and road trucks in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation applicable to this type of transport. In addition, the Termolan® V heat carrier is transported in railway and automobile tanks made of stainless or carbon steel, equipped with a bottom drain.

Termolan® V heat carrier does not belong to dangerous goods. The Termolan® V heat carrier must be stored in hermetically sealed containers, in unheated rooms. The warranty period of storage of the Termolan V heat carrier is not limited.

The thermophysical properties of the TERMOLAN A heat transfer fluid:

The name of the indicator Value
Appearance Oily homogeneous liquid of light-yellow color
Density at 20°C, g/cm3 0.860 – 0.880
Flash point in an open crucible, °C, not less than 195
Pour point, °C, no more Minus 40
Boiling point, °C, not less 330

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    Coolants of the TERMOLAN V series are the successors of the modern line of TERMOLAN™ heat transfer fluids manufactured by the Polyester company.
    Our company specializes in the production of high-temperature organic heat carriers since 1996 and provides a full cycle of work on the product management

    • consultation of technologists,
    • selection of the heat carrier brand,
    • supply of heat carrier,
    • periodic sampling of the heat carrier,
    • control of the key parameters of the heat carrier,
    • recycling/disposal of spent heat carrier.

    All products manufactured by our company are certified

    For technical advice and purchase questions, please call +7 (495) 134-35-24 in Moscow.